Lewis Dog Boots Non Vented

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Made In USA


Lewis Dog Boots Non Vented protect your dog’s feet from sand burrs, cactus, rocks, sharp objects in the field, and are especially suited for snow and ice conditions.  With Lewis Dog Boots your dog will perform better by hunting the entire season with no loss of time due to foot injury.

Lewis Dog Boots Non Vented are made from vulcanized rubber like the tires on your car and are molded with a bottom tread to ensure your dog has good traction.  Lewis Dog Boots are the most durable dog boot sold today and only take a few minutes to put on with adhesive duct tape.

Advantages of vulcanized tire rubber are:

  • 4 boots per bag
  • Returns to the original shape
  • Low water absorption
  • Higher resistance to oxidation, wear and tear abrasion
  • Resistant to organic solvents (petro, benzene), fats and oils
  • Higher useful temperature range unlike uncured rubber which becomes soft at high temperature and brittle at low temperatures

Lewis Dog Boots was founded by Fred Lewis in 1949 in a small back yard shop. The business has been handed down to family and friends but the quailty and need for these boots has remained the same throughout the years. New ownership was taken over in 2017 by L. Devereaux, D. Raines, and J. Smith, hunting buddies that have used and trusted Lewis Boots for years.

How to Measure
The best way to measure is to have the dog stand with the front foot on a piece of white paper.  Draw a line at the back of the triangular heel pad and another in-front of the longest toenail.  Consider trimming the dog’s nails before taking this measurement.  Measure the distance between these two lines to determine the required size.
Lewis Dog Boot Paw Measure
Lewis Dog Boots offers three sizes for small to large dogs.
  • Medium – (up to 2 3/4″)
  • Large – (up to 3 1/8″)
  • Extra Large – (up to 3 1/2″)

Please read the included Instruction Manual before putting the boots on your dog for the first time.

We recommend the vented dog boots for typical conditions and the non vented dog boots for snow and ice conditions.